
I have spent a long time looking for a way to transfer money from a business paypal via an API to several users' paypal accounts. I.e. I have the recipient's paypal email address and I would like to transfer X funds from our account to theirs via API.

PayPal adaptive payments seems along the right lines, but I can't see the right commands to get it to work (and avoid the user having to verify a step, i.e. the whole process cant be automated)

There are lots of other similar questions on SO, but none have satisfactory responses, especially since MassPay cant be used outside of the US paypal told me on the phone today.

Any help or experience would be hugely appreciated - thank you!


1 Answers


As it is, it isn't tested, but it comes from a piece of code that works well, I just didn't want to copy and paste that ;-) This code uses the Adaptive Payments PayPal API.

Here's a link to source


//prepare the receivers
$receiverList["receiver"][$counter]["paymentType"]="SERVICE";//this could be SERVICE or PERSONAL (which makes it free!)
$receiverList["receiver"][$counter]["invoiceId"]=$r["withdrawalID"];//NB that this MUST be unique otherwise paypal will reject it and get shitty. However it is a totally optional field

//prepare the call
$payLoad["cancelUrl"]="http://www.example.com";//this is required even though it isnt used
$payLoad["returnUrl"]="http://www.example.com";//this is required even though it isnt used
$payLoad["feesPayer"]="EACHRECEIVER";//this could be SENDER or EACHRECEIVER
//$payLoad["fundingConstraint"]=array("allowedFundingType"=>array("fundingTypeInfo"=>array("fundingType"=>"BALANCE")));//defaults to ECHECK but this takes ages and ages, so better to reject the payments if there isnt enough money in the account and then do a manual pull of bank funds through; more importantly, echecks have to be accepted/rejected by the user and i THINK balance doesnt
$payLoad["sender"]["email"]=$ppemail;//the paypal email address of the where the money is coming from

//run the call
$API_Endpoint = "https://svcs$ppapicall.paypal.com/AdaptivePayments/Pay";
$payLoad["requestEnvelope"]=array("errorLanguage"=>urlencode("en_US"),"detailLevel"=>urlencode("ReturnAll"));//add some debugging info the payLoad and setup the requestEnvelope
$ch = curl_init();
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $API_Endpoint);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_VERBOSE, 1);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST, 1);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER,  array(
    'X-PAYPAL-SECURITY-USERID: '. $ppuserid,
    'X-PAYPAL-APPLICATION-ID: '. $ppappid
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, json_encode($payLoad));//
$response = curl_exec($ch);
$response = json_decode($response, 1);

//analyse the output
$payKey = $response["payKey"];
$paymentInfoList = isset($response["paymentInfoList"]) ? $response["paymentInfoList"] : null;

if ($paymentExecStatus<>"ERROR") {

foreach($paymentInfoList["paymentInfo"] as $paymentInfo) {//they will only be in this array if they had a paypal account
$receiverEmail = $paymentInfo["receiver"]["email"];
$receiverAmount = $paymentInfo["receiver"]["amount"];
$withdrawalID = $paymentInfo["receiver"]["invoiceId"];
$transactionId = $paymentInfo["transactionId"];//what shows in their paypal account
$senderTransactionId = $paymentInfo["senderTransactionId"];//what shows in our paypal account
$senderTransactionStatus = $paymentInfo["senderTransactionStatus"];
$pendingReason = isset($paymentInfo["pendingReason"]) ? $paymentInfo["pendingReason"] : null;

//deal with it