As it is, it isn't tested, but it comes from a piece of code that works well, I just didn't want to copy and paste that ;-)
This code uses the Adaptive Payments PayPal API.
Here's a link to source
//prepare the receivers
$receiverList["receiver"][$counter]["paymentType"]="SERVICE";//this could be SERVICE or PERSONAL (which makes it free!)
$receiverList["receiver"][$counter]["invoiceId"]=$r["withdrawalID"];//NB that this MUST be unique otherwise paypal will reject it and get shitty. However it is a totally optional field
//prepare the call
$payLoad["cancelUrl"]="";//this is required even though it isnt used
$payLoad["returnUrl"]="";//this is required even though it isnt used
$payLoad["feesPayer"]="EACHRECEIVER";//this could be SENDER or EACHRECEIVER
//$payLoad["fundingConstraint"]=array("allowedFundingType"=>array("fundingTypeInfo"=>array("fundingType"=>"BALANCE")));//defaults to ECHECK but this takes ages and ages, so better to reject the payments if there isnt enough money in the account and then do a manual pull of bank funds through; more importantly, echecks have to be accepted/rejected by the user and i THINK balance doesnt
$payLoad["sender"]["email"]=$ppemail;//the paypal email address of the where the money is coming from
//run the call
$API_Endpoint = "https://svcs$";
$payLoad["requestEnvelope"]=array("errorLanguage"=>urlencode("en_US"),"detailLevel"=>urlencode("ReturnAll"));//add some debugging info the payLoad and setup the requestEnvelope
$ch = curl_init();
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $API_Endpoint);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_VERBOSE, 1);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST, 1);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, array(
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, json_encode($payLoad));//
$response = curl_exec($ch);
$response = json_decode($response, 1);
//analyse the output
$payKey = $response["payKey"];
$paymentInfoList = isset($response["paymentInfoList"]) ? $response["paymentInfoList"] : null;
if ($paymentExecStatus<>"ERROR") {
foreach($paymentInfoList["paymentInfo"] as $paymentInfo) {//they will only be in this array if they had a paypal account
$receiverEmail = $paymentInfo["receiver"]["email"];
$receiverAmount = $paymentInfo["receiver"]["amount"];
$withdrawalID = $paymentInfo["receiver"]["invoiceId"];
$transactionId = $paymentInfo["transactionId"];//what shows in their paypal account
$senderTransactionId = $paymentInfo["senderTransactionId"];//what shows in our paypal account
$senderTransactionStatus = $paymentInfo["senderTransactionStatus"];
$pendingReason = isset($paymentInfo["pendingReason"]) ? $paymentInfo["pendingReason"] : null;
//deal with it