
I have a VB.NET program that adds code to the ThisDocument module in MS Word in the following way:


Which creates the following sub:

Public Sub Example_Click()
Msgbox "Working" 
End Sub

I used to call this via the click event of a command button however it would be desirable call it from a ribbon button created as part of a COM Add-In.

I have been able to call global macros successfully in the Add-In by adding the following code to the button's click sub,.


All attempts to run code contained within ThisDocument have failed however.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Subs in ThisDocument can be accessed as COM methods, but since they aren't in the typelib, in a COM environment you wuld typically have to get the dispid for the method via IDispatch and use that to call the method. AFAICS from a VB.NET VSTO addin you can in fact use Globals.ThisAddIn.Application.ActiveDocument.Macro1() to call such a macro, but it may not be the approved way to do it.user1379931

1 Answers


Application.Run runs macros.

Macros exist in modules, and ThisDocument is a class module.

Try creating a new module or use an existing module instead of ThisDocument.