I'm implementing a lazy login feature. My cucumber feature should describe it:
Feature: User log in
Scenario: Lazy login
Given I didn't log out the last time I was on the site
When I go to the homepage
Then I should automatically be logged in
And these are my step definitions:
Given(/^I didn't log out the last time I was on the site$/) do
user = FactoryGirl.create(:user)
visit new_user_session_path
fill_in('user[email]', with: user.email)
fill_in('user[password]', with: 'test123')
click_button('Sign in')
When(/^I go to the homepage$/) do
visit root_path
Then(/^I should automatically be logged in$/) do #<-- Fails here
page.should have_content("Logout")
This is what happens when a user logs in: the cookies.signed[:auth_token]
gets set. This will be used by a before filter in my ApplicationController so that users who open a fresh browser will be logged in automatically:
class SessionsController < Devise::SessionsController
def create
if user_signed_in?
puts 'yesssssss'
session[:user_id] = current_user.id
current_user.remember_me! if current_user.remember_token.blank?
cookies.signed[:auth_token] = {
:value => current_user.remember_token,
:domain => "mysite.com",
:secure => !(Rails.env.test? || Rails.env.development?)
puts "current_user.remember_token = #{current_user.remember_token}"
puts 'cookies:'
puts cookies.signed[:auth_token]
This is the before filter in my ApplicationController:
def sign_in_through_cookie
logger.info "logging in by cookie"
puts "logging in by cookie"
puts cookies.signed[:auth_token] #<-- PROBLEM: this returns nil.
return true if !current_user.nil?
if !cookies[:auth_token].nil? && cookies[:auth_token] != ''
user = User.find_by_remember_token(cookies.signed[:auth_token])
return false if user.blank?
puts 'success'
return true
return false
So the issue is that in the last step of my cucumber feature, cookies.signed[:auth_token]
returns nil. I'm guessing this is just a capybara thing. So do I actually have to set a cookie in the test as opposed to using the one in my controller?