
I'm trying to run a Coded UI Test from within VS2012.

I've built a Coded UI Test Project.

I can run it from MSTest at the command line

mstest /testcontainer:C:\projects\Chilli\bin\Debug\Test.Desktop.UI.dll

When I try to run from within VS2012 I'm getting "Could not load file or assembly '...Playback.dll'"

...as soon as I call Playback.Initialize()

I'm running VS2012 as administrator. My path includes C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 11.0\Common7\IDE, \PublicAssemblies and \PrivateAssemblies and these are also included in the project Reference Paths.

Is there anywhere else I can specify where to look for DLLs? Thanks! nick

it turns out that in Coded UI Tests, it is very time consuming to update and query DataGrids in wpf. I think I will give up on Coded UI Tests and try to get more out of testing the ViewModel...ajd

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