
I am tasked with importing data from a CRM 3.0 instance into a CRM 2011 instance via the service layer. I've completed most of the entities but I hit a snag with Quotes. Revising a Quote creates a copy of the Quote and then increment its Revision Number. Revision Number is a read only field in the 2011 Service Layer. This creates a serious problem as you can imagine. Is there some other way to set this?

Update There is a ReviseQuoteRequest that will allow you to create a new revision of the Quote. The only problem with this is that I am trying to keep the same Guids when importing Entities. You can set the Guid to assign when you create a new Quote, but I don't see a way to tell the ReviseQuoteRequest what Guid to use when creating the Quote Revision and I don't believe the API allows you to Update this ID once its set. Any thoughts on how I can accomplish this?


1 Answers


The answer is that Revised Quotes are not handled this way and so the Revision Number cannot be directly set.

In order to Revise a Quote you need to use the ReviseQuoteRequest which effectively closes the original quote and creates a new Quote, copying the values from the original and incrementing the Revision Number behind the scenes.