
Recently I was looking for OpenId provider based on java. we tested OpenAM as our authentication and authorization provider.

The installation seemed to be easy and the services it provided looked promising.

Unfortunately we found out that Open AM isn't free for commercial use.

We looked into real open source commercial openId solutions.

We found two popular: Josso/Crowd.

Anyone had any experience with them?

Would be great if you could share your technical experience

  • Installation, authorization, authentication, community support.

Thanks, ray.

Are you looking for a library or a product?tom
Actually I am open to both solutions as long as they deliver. My requirements are pretty common: SSO, authentication and roles authorization server.rayman

1 Answers


The standard open source AIM product in academia is Shibboleth (http://shibboleth.net/). It's a mature and powerful product that's in use all over the world. It normally uses SAML but there's an OpenID extension.


However I'll warn you, configuring can be a chore ime. I've not used the OpenID extension myself.