I have added a .rc file to my project with just the following:
IDI_MAIN_ICON ICON "..\\..\\icon_artwork\\windows_icons\\project.ico"
The .ico file contains icons at 16x16, 32x32, 48x48 and 256x256 resolutions.
I see the icon in the taskbar and explorer (so there is no doubt the .ico is successfully embedded in the .exe), but I see the default Windows 7 application icon in the application's own title bar, and in alt-tab.
Is there a way to get the OS to see the embedded icon by itself in all cases, or do I need to write some application code for this? I notice that there is an SDL2 function
void SDL_SetWindowIcon(SDL_Window* window, SDL_Surface* icon)
but that takes an SDL surface, not the embedded icon resource from the executable.
Any ideas gratefully received,