
Have just started to use CruiseControl.NET for a small project we are working on and I'm having trouble merging an XML file into the email publisher that runs once the build is completed.

From what I've read I need to ensure that the merge tag appear before the xml logger and the file has to exist in the specified location, which is what I've done below.

<xmllogger />

The file I'm trying to merge in was originally the result of a NAnt/NUnit output, however in trying to diagnose the issue I eliminated that as a possibility by merging in a static XML file as above from a known location and still having the same issue.

Does the XML have to be in a specific format? Am I mean't do load an XSL file so that the email publisher knows how to display it?

Full build script is below in case it is needed.

<cruisecontrol xmlns:cb="urn:ccnet.config.builder">
    <cb:define MainDir="C:\CCNet"/>
    <cb:define WorkingDir="Working"/>
    <cb:define ReleaseDir="Release"/>
    <cb:define ArtifactsDir="BuildArtifacts"/>
    <cb:define StateDir="State"/>

    <cb:define name="BuildTask">
            <executable>C:\Program Files\nant-0.92\bin\NAnt.exe</executable>

    <cb:define name="CommonProjectSettings">
        <state type="state" directory="$(MainDir)\$(StateDir)" />

        <sourcecontrol type="git">
            <repository>http://cruizecontrol:[email protected]/gitlab/nga.git</repository>


            <statistics />
            <xmllogger />
            <artifactcleanup cleanUpMethod="KeepLastXBuilds" cleanUpValue="50" />

            <email from="[email protected]" mailhost="bart" mailport="25" includeDetails="true">
                    <cb:Users />
                    <group name="developers">
                    <group name="buildmaster">

    <project name="NaturalTalent (TRUNK) - Latest">
        <cb:scope Build="Latest">
            <cb:define name="Users">
                <user name="Anton Felich" group="buildmaster" address="[email protected]" />
                <!--<user name="David Ames" group="buildmaster" address="[email protected]" />
                <user name="David Ames" group="buildmaster" address="[email protected]" />-->

            <cb:CommonProjectSettings />

                <cb:BuildTask />

                <intervalTrigger name="continuous" seconds="30" buildCondition="IfModificationExists" initialSeconds="5"/>

    <project name="NaturalTalent (TRUNK) - Nightly">
        <cb:scope Build="Nightly">
            <cb:define name="Users">
                <user name="Anton Felich" group="buildmaster" address="[email protected]" />
                <!--<user name="David Ames" group="buildmaster" address="[email protected]" />-->
                <!--<user name="David Ames" group="buildmaster" address="[email protected]" />
                <user name="HouTan" group="buildmaster" address="[email protected]" />
                <user name="MickHutchinson" group="buildmaster" address="[email protected]" />

                <cb:BuildTask />
                    <executable>C:\Program Files\nant-0.92\bin\NAnt.exe</executable>

            <cb:CommonProjectSettings />

            <scheduleTrigger time="23:30" buildCondition="ForceBuild" name="Nightly" />

1 Answers


As long as the xml file contains well-formed xml (which it should be)......the "sucking up into the everything-in-the-build.xml should work fine with the task.

Since you're new, I'm gonna guess you may not have the directory set correctly.

Download this tool:


Search for your "xxx.xml"........and then make sure the directory for the task is correct.

PS, you can use a wild card for the filename (as seen below), which is what I do.


