
I'm going to use Google Cloud SQL in my application. I'm using Java programming language. I know now it's possible to use 2 drivers to connect to the database - native MySQL JDBC driver and com.mysql.jdbc.GoogleDriver.

Could you please suggest which one is more preferable in terms of stability and performance.

Any suggestions are very appreciated.

Thanks in advance!



1 Answers


Currently, a Java App Engine app can connect to Google Cloud SQL using two ways:

  1. com.mysql.jdbc.GoogleDriver
  2. com.google.appengine.api.rdbms.AppEngineDriver

The first one was made public on July 15 and it is the recommended way to connect. Under the hood it uses the MySQL Connector/J so it provides excellent API compatibility. The second one is older, it is a Google-specific JDBC API and it might not always behave as MySQL Connector/J.

So, use the com.mysql.jdbc.GoogleDriver.
