
Running on IBM Domino R9.0 Social Edition

Installed in the client, verified that the files exists at the proper location. Installed on the server, same here.

If I do: tell http osgi ss org.openntf.bootstrap it says Resolved

Under XSP properties I have both the Extension library and Bootstrap checked.

All this in an otherwise empty database. Set the theme manually (because it doesn't exist in the dropdown) to bootstrapv2.3.1 Create an empty XPage, Clean and build all.

If I open the XPage in a web browser the end result is:

"The application /test.nsf requires org.openntf.xsp.bootstrap.library. This library cannot be found."

What am I missing?




5 Answers


Do you by any chance use "local preview"? In this case you need to copy the feature and plugin to the data/domino/workspace/application folder -> that's the one the preview is using


Never tried the "install" way (copying the files into the relevant dirs). I'm using all of the extensions from an updatesite DB and the OSGI_HTTP_DYNAMIC_BUNDLES setting in the server's notes.ini. Give this a try. A detailed howto can be found here: http://www-10.lotus.com/ldd/ddwiki.nsf/dx/XPages_Extension_Library_Deployment

Of course this article deals with the deployment of the ExtLib itself but you can use the updatesite for any other extension, too - such as the Bootstrap Extension.


I had this problem with Bootstrap extension library on a Domino test server. I had to restart the server as simply stopping and starting http didn't work for me.


What functions are you trying to test? Are you trying to use the application layout? Try this and let me know if it works for you.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<xe:applicationLayout id="applicationLayout2">
        <xp:callback xp:key="LeftColumn" facetName="LeftColumn"
        <xp:callback xp:key="RightColumn" facetName="RightColumn"

    <xp:callback id="OneUIMainAreaCallback"></xp:callback>
        <xe:applicationConfiguration placeBarName="test"

                <xe:loginTreeNode enabled="true" loaded="true"


Now drop that thing on an xPages, give it the bootstrapv2.3.1r theme and let me know if it works.


I had a similar issue when trying to setup the bootstrap library on my server using the updatesite-runtime.nsf downloaded from openntf.org.

I had forgotten to sign the plugins (Action/Sign all), which stopped the bundles loading correctly.

I know this isn't answering your question, I just wanted to post it here for future searches as this question was one of the most helpful.