
I have developed a custom workflow using following link :- " http://blog.karstein-consulting.com/2011/03/30/walkthrough-creating-a-simple-sequential-workflow-with-a-custom-task-form-in-sharepoint-2010-using-visual-studio-2010-part-2-of-2/#comment-52198 ".

but when i try to deploy the solution, its shows error on the workflow designer and it gets deployed. but it doesn't create the workflow.

Error :-

for each activity its shows :-

Path 'RW_Taskid" used to specify members for "workflow 1" is invalid. Path needs to point to valid members.

please help me with the same.

thanx, Nidhi Mohan


1 Answers


Hi I can find two links for your refenrece may it helps you

  1. http://social.msdn.microsoft.com/Forums/en-US/ab403fdf-0985-4922-9443-99cfe83c112c/error-path-needs-to-point-to-valid-member?forum=windowsworkflowfoundation

  2. http://spnovice.blogspot.com/2012/12/spd-workflow-error-path-needs-to-point.html

First link says that all the variables you delcare should be Public instead of protected and Second link says about missing the type.

In Your case its "RW_Taskid". So if you have a backup of your workflow then you can give this a try
