Just assume I have some class Foo, that has two dependencies: an ISerializer<T>
and an IFileAccessHandler
Now this class also has other dependencies, functional dependencies. I don't want anyone instantiating this class in an invalid state, so I'd also need to pass a domain object in the constructor.
But how can I have that handled by IoC when I also know what domain object to pass in the moment I'm actually creating class Foo?
I made the domain object a property that I have set by a Factory. So the Factory makes a Service Locator call to get a properly instantiated "Foo" class with it's dependencies, and further fills it up with the correct domain object and returns it.
But is this the best way to go? I would have preferred having the domain object part of my constructor to make it apparant you actually need to work with "Foo".
Any ideas? Am I missing something here?