
Is it possible to merge array fields in while using MongoDB aggregation framework? Here is a summary problem I am trying to solve:

Sample input documents for aggregation:

  "Category" : 1,
  "Messages" : ["Msg1", "Msg2"],
  "Value" : 1
  "Category" : 1,
  "Messages" : [],
  "Value" : 10
  "Category" : 1,
  "Messages" : ["Msg1", "Msg3"],
  "Value" : 100
  "Category" : 2,
  "Messages" : ["Msg4"],
  "Value" : 1000
  "Category" : 2,
  "Messages" : ["Msg5"],
  "Value" : 10000
  "Category" : 3,
  "Messages" : [],
  "Value" : 100000

We want to group by 'Category' while summing up 'Value' and merging 'Messages'. I have tried this aggregation pipeline:

{group : {
        _id : "$Category",
        Value : { $sum : "$Value"},
        Messages : {$push : "$Messages"}
{$unwind : "$Messages"}, 
{$unwind : "$Messages"}, 
{$group : {
        _id : "$_id",
        Value : {$first : "$Value"},
        Messages : {$addToSet : "$Messages"}

The result is:

"result" : [{
        "_id" : 1,
        "Value" : 111,
        "Messages" : ["Msg3", "Msg2", "Msg1"]
        "_id" : 2,
        "Value" : 11000,
        "Messages" : ["Msg5", "Msg4"]

However, this completely misses Category 3 since the documents where 'Category' is 3 do not have any 'Messages' and they are dropped by the second unwind. We would like the result to include the following as well:

    "_id" : 3,
    "Value" : 100000,
    "Messages" : []

Is there a neat way of achieving this by the aggregation framework?

is Messages guaranteed to be there as an array? Or is it possible it won't exist or will be there but as a different type?Asya Kamsky
yes Messages is guaranteed to exist as an array (which may be empty for some records).etkarayel
have you tried the preserveNullAndEmptyArrays option to $unwind?tony_k
This question was raised when we were using v2.6. I believe using preserveNullAndEmptyArrays should do what we were looking for.etkarayel

2 Answers


Here is a trick you can use if Messages is guaranteed to be an array:

> db.messages.find()
    { "Category" : 1, "Messages" : [  "Msg1",  "Msg2" ], "Value" : 1 }
    { "Category" : 1, "Messages" : [ ], "Value" : 10 }
    { "Category" : 1, "Messages" : [  "Msg1",  "Msg3" ], "Value" : 100 }
    { "Category" : 2, "Messages" : [  "Msg4" ], "Value" : 1000 }
    { "Category" : 2, "Messages" : [  "Msg5" ], "Value" : 10000 }
    { "Category" : 3, "Messages" : [ ], "Value" : 100000 }

> var group1 = {
    "$group":   {
        "_id":      "$Category",
        "Value":    {
            "$sum":     "$Value"
        "Messages": {
            "$push":    "$Messages"

> var project1 = {
    "$project": {
        "Value":    1,
        "Messages": {
            "$cond":    [
                    "$eq":  [
                        [ [ ] ]
                [ [ null ] ],

> db.messages.aggregate( group1, project1 )
    { "_id" : 3, "Value" : 100000, "Messages" : [  [  null ] ] }
    { "_id" : 2, "Value" : 11000, "Messages" : [  [  "Msg4" ],  [  "Msg5" ] ] }
    { "_id" : 1, "Value" : 111, "Messages" : [  [  "Msg1",  "Msg2" ],  [ ],  [  "Msg1",  "Msg3" ] ] }

Now unwind twice and re-group to get a single Messages array.

> var unwind = {"$unwind":"$Messages"};

> var group2 = {
    $group: {
        "_id":      "$_id", 
        "Value":    {
            "$first":       "$Value"
        "Messages": {
            "$addToSet":    "$Messages"

> var project2 = {
    "$project": {
        "Category": "$_id",
        "_id":      0,
        "Value":    1,
        "Messages": {
            "$cond":    [
                    "$eq":  [
                        [ null ]
                [ ],

> db.messages.aggregate(group1, project1, unwind, unwind, group2 ,project2 )
    { "Value" : 111, "Messages" : [  "Msg3",  "Msg2",  "Msg1" ], "Category" : 1 }
    { "Value" : 11000, "Messages" : [  "Msg5",  "Msg4" ], "Category" : 2 }
    { "Value" : 100000, "Messages" : [ ], "Category" : 3 }

As already mentioned in one of the comments, the simplest answer to the original question is to add preserveNullAndEmptyArrays to the $unwind stage.