
I can add headers to the header path but how can I bring in external headers to be available within Creator for editing in project, so they appear in the file list like other headers created from scratch? in Xcode, you could just drag files into the project, they'd be copied into the project directory and appear in the IDE for editing. I'd assume you could do this in Creator but I can't find any way to do so.

You shouldn`t edit external headers. They probably do belong to another project. Nevertheless eventually you can set INCLUDEPATH to contain the path, and just add the file to HEADERS in .pro file, but i never tried this.Sebastian Lange

3 Answers


Right Click on the project -> Add Existing Files... -> Choose your desired external headers this way you can edit them (but it is not recommended to edit external headers)

Note: This way, the files will get compiled with your project, so you need to include all dependencies.


Use qmake - project from the command line in the directory containing the files and they will generate a .pro and you can copy that into a .pri and then include the .pri in your project, thus allowing you to access and edit the files from within Creator but segregating them nicely should you choose to use those files in other projects as well, but maintaining a single set of build and qmake settings.


If you add project headers to a target in CMakeLists.txt, they'll show up in Qt Creator.

file(GLOB HEADERS src/*.hpp src/*.h)
file(GLOB SOURCES src/*.cpp)
add_library(FreenectDriver SHARED ${HEADERS} ${SOURCES})
