
I have a fixed width file that is about 1200 characters wide and has about 300+ columns. I'm looking for a way to create a fixed-width data source in SSIS without using the UI for the flat file connection manager. Is there a way to modify the column definitions without having to use the UI in SSIS? I can't find a file for the data connection anywhere in the project.

Am I doomed to manually add 300+ columns into the flat-file connection manager one by one?

If you'd rather use scripting than SSIS then use BULK INSERT (a T-SQL command) or BCP.EXE (a command line tool). Both use format files which can be painful. Alternatively you could use this new BIML thing to auto generate your package. IMHO a command/T-SQL solution is easier to maintain but I've never used BIML.Nick.McDermaid

1 Answers


Two options come to mind. The first is to Install BIDSHelper and use the Create Fixed Width Columns

The other, as @ElectricLlama mentioned is to use BIML. This too will require the installation of BIDS Helper but to convert a .biml file into a .dtsx Short Walkthrough

This should approximate creating a package with a flat file connection manager (with a single column) adding a data flow and inside that consume our flat file and wire it up to a Row count. This is approximate for what you want. Just fill in the XML in the Columns tag.

<Biml xmlns="http://schemas.varigence.com/biml.xsd">
        Name="FF dchess"
        FileFormat="FFF dchess"
Name="FFF dchess"
            <Column Name="MyColumn" Length="08"  DataType="AnsiString"  ColumnType="FixedWidth"  CodePage="1252" />
    <Package Name="dchess" ConstraintMode="Linear" ProtectionLevel="DontSaveSensitive">
        <Connections >
            <Connection ConnectionName="FF dchess" />
            <Variable Name="CurrentFileName" DataType="String">C:\ssisdata\so\Input\dchess.txt</Variable>
            <Variable Name="RowCountInsert" DataType="Int32">0</Variable>
            <Dataflow Name="DFT Load file" >
                        Name="FF_SRC dchess"
                        ConnectionName="FF dchess"
                    <RowCount Name="CNT Source" VariableName="User.RowCountInsert"></RowCount>

Generated package looks like

enter image description here

Feel free to pick your jaw up off the ground ;)