
It looks like neither get_survey_list or get_survey_details returns any info about the folder(s) that any given survey is in. Is this something that will be supported in the future?


This question appears to be off-topic because it is about something that should be asked to the original developers.jv42
I buy that. On developer.surveymonkey.com they seem to indicate that SO is the preferred method of asking them questions, though, so I thought I'd start here.R3ason
Mmm, ok, I've removed my close vote. For information, I got here because SO detected "low quality" on your question.jv42
Thanks for the feedback; appreciated! If nothing comes of this question, I'll send their dev team an email and post the answer back here.R3ason

1 Answers


It was not in our plans, but I've noted your request for it, thanks for the input!