
I wish to create a User system based on each unique iOS device. This way, user don't have to register for my service and they can't delete and reinstall my app to become a "new user" again.

I wanted to use the UIDevice uniqueIdentifier but Apple has deprecated and asked us to use identifierForVendor. The problem with identifierForVendor is that if a user uninstalls my app and reinstalls it, they are view as a "new user" since the identifier changes.

OpenUDID & SecureUDID is also deprecated. Please help me solve this issue. Thank you.


1 Answers


You got it:

Apple has deprecated and asked us to use identifierForVendor

Apple did that to prevent you from tracking down users. Some time ago you were able to ask the system for its MAC address to get a kind of identifier but Apple also changed that API: Now all devices return the same MAC address when being asked.

So short answer: There is no way left for us to get an ID that is really unique and immutable, sorry. The only way to somehow track user's is by vendor ID, as you said, or by letting them register their eMail address. Even though they could change that information when reinstalling the app.