I am concurrently downloading some information from server and I am using NSOperatioQueue for the same. I have an issue. For instance if a download operation fails for some reason I don't want to remove that operation from queue.
Right now even if its a failure as soon as it gets a response back from server the operation is removed from queue.
Is there any way to tell the queue that a particular operation is not logically finished and it should keep it in queue?
In my case, I am downloading a set of information. For example fetching all places in a County and then all houses for each county. So in certain cases county cannot be downloaded if the user is not logged in with a valid token. In that case server returns a failure message. I want to keep such items in queue so that I can try again when user logs in to the app.
Sample Code
self.downloadQueue.maxConcurrentOperationCount = 1;
for(Campaign *campaign in campaigns)
isContentUpdated = false;
self.operation = Nil;
self.operation = [[DownloadOutlets alloc] initWithCampaign:campaign];
[self.downloadQueue addOperation:operation];
where downloadQueue is an NSOperationQueue and DownloadOutlets extends NSOperation. Thanks