I'm using Ember version 1.0.0 in combination with Ember Data v1.0.0-beta.3. The problem is that I can't seem to get a valid reference to a model when adding some additional properties to the relationship. I'll give an example that shows what I want to accomplish, as I find it hard to explain.
First, my models are wired this way:
App.Employee = DS.Model.extend({
firstName: DS.attr("string"),
lastName: DS.attr("string"),
languages: DS.hasMany("language", { async: true })
App.Language = DS.Model.extend({
name: DS.attr("string"),
employee: DS.belongsTo("employee")
Currently, I'm using fixtures, but later on I'm planning to use the RESTAdapter. This is what my JSON looks like:
App.Employee.FIXTURES = [
id: 1,
firstName: "Alpha",
lastName: "Dog",
languages: [1, 2]
id: 2,
firstName: "Bravo",
lastName: "Cat",
languages: [3]
App.Language.FIXTURES = [
id: 1,
name: "German"
id: 2,
name: "Spanish"
id: 3,
name: "Russian"
Now this works, but what I want to do is add additional information to the languages key in the Employee model. Like so, replacing the languages property with:
languages: [
id: 1,
knowledge: 3
id: 2,
knowledge: 2
I add an extra knowledge field about a language, and the id specified must refer to the id in the Language model. Running this gives me a TypeError (cannot call method 'toString' of undefined).
So how do I model/fix this? Can this be accomplished using polymorphic relationships or serializers, as I've come across these terms? I've looked for a long time now and this (new) framework gets me more and more confused.