We have a Rails 3.2.14 app that is misbehaving in production only. Emails fail to send with the following error message:
ActionView::MissingTemplate (Missing template /invoice with {:locale=>[:en], :formats=>[:text], :handlers=>[:erb, :builder]}. Searched in:
* "/var/www/appname/releases/20131003214241/app/views"
app/mailers/mailer.rb:42:in `block in invoice'
app/mailers/mailer.rb:41:in `invoice'
app/controllers/admin_controller.rb:410:in `resend_invoice'
The Mailer#invoice method looks like this:
def invoice(order, resent=false, receipt_or_invoice = "Receipt")
@order = order
@freebie = @order.freebie?
@mail = true
@transaction = @order.beanstream_transaction
@user = @order.user
recipient = @order.email_receipt_to || @user.email || "[email protected]"
@receipt_or_invoice = receipt_or_invoice
subject = @freebie ? "Your License" : "Your #{receipt_or_invoice.capitalize} and License Information#{ resent ? " (Resent)" : ""}"
mail = mail(:to => [recipient], :subject => subject)
mail.add_part(Mail::Part.new do
content_type 'multipart/alternative'
mail.parts.reverse!.delete_if {|p| add_part p }
mail.content_type 'multipart/mixed'
mail.header['content-type'].parameters[:boundary] = mail.body.boundary
@order.line_items.each do |li|
aq_data = li.license.aquatic_prime_data
if aq_data.present?
attachments[li.license.aquatic_prime_filename] = {content: aq_data, mime_type: 'application/xml'}
return mail
A couple notes.
- This behaves fine in development using Pow. Production is using Apache+Passenger.
- Before this, the last change we made to our mailer was in June to add a new method. We've seen no other reports about failure to deliver emails. This makes me think something changed in the ActionMailer or other Rails gem that somehow caused this issue.
- The error also happens when Mailer.invoice is called from our store controller or other part of the code, so I think it's localized to the Mailer.
- In development, we're using Google SMTP server for sending mail, whereas we're using Postmark in production.
Thanks in advance for any help or insights!