
I have a checkbox group for which I am using a @DbLookup to obtain the items to appear with checkboxes. It works fine except for a couple of cases where I am getting over 230 values from the lookup. In that case I get one checkbox with a value of "Infinity". I think that is telling me I have too many choices in my checkbox group.

Is there a limit to the number of values you can put in a checkbox group? What would be the best way to handle those cases where there is a large number of values? I may just take the route of "if there are more than 100 values returned, truncate the list".

Can you categorize them? Let the users pick a category and then display the options for that specific category, rinse and repeat until they have selected all they want.RoyRumaner
No, because these are the categories. Good idea though.Don McNally
Okay, how about breaking it up into manageable chunks by using an alphabetical list? Give them A-F, then G-M, etc.RoyRumaner
Somehow I doubt this would be a good user interface vector... what is the business purpose of this particular checkbox group?Tim Tripcony
I agree with @TimTripcony - from UX standpoint I do not recommend checkbox with too many options (especially dynamic).Frantisek Kossuth

1 Answers


There is no real limit for checkbox group. I tested it with 100000 entries and it still works well.

Probably, the "Infinity" error comes from @DbLookup. The error occurs if the result is larger than 64K. As an alternative to @DbLookup you can write your own SSJS code for getting the view entries or you use the Pure Java version of DbLookup & DbColumn, with cache, sort and unique.