I'm wondering whether it's possible to verify an LTL property in a program with a fairness constraint that states that multiple statements must be executed infinitely often.
bool no_flip;
bool flag;
active[1] proctype node()
:: skip -> progress00: no_flip = 1
:: skip -> progress01: flag = 1
:: !no_flip -> flag = 0
// eventually we have flag==1 forever
ltl p0 { <> ([] (flag == 1)) }
This program is correct iff eventually the no_flip
flag becomes true and flag
becomes true.
However, running both 'pan -a' and 'pan -a -f' (weak fairness) yields a cycle through the no_flip=1
statement and the acceptance state (from LTL formula).
I thought the progress labels would enforce that the execution passed through them infinitely often, but that doesn't seem to be the case. So, is it possible to add such kind of fairness constraints?
Thanks, Nuno