I am trying to insert a text after checkout email message. I'm found template in spree/order_mailer/confirm_email.text.erb
<%= Spree.t('order_mailer.confirm_email.dear_customer') %>
<%= Spree.t('order_mailer.confirm_email.instructions') %>
<%= Spree.t('order_mailer.confirm_email.order_summary') %>
<% @order.line_items.each do |item| %>
<%= item.variant.sku %> <%= raw(item.variant.product.name) %> <%= raw(item.variant.options_text) -%> (<%=item.quantity%>) @ <%= item.single_money %> = <%= item.display_amount %>
<% end %>
<%= Spree.t('order_mailer.confirm_email.subtotal', :subtotal => @order.display_item_total) %>
<% @order.adjustments.eligible.each do |adjustment| %>
<%= raw(adjustment.label) %> <%= adjustment.display_amount %>
<% end %>
<%= Spree.t('order_mailer.confirm_email.total', :total => @order.display_total) %>
<%= Spree.t('order_mailer.confirm_email.thanks') %>
So I don't know how to add some text after this, there are no any selectors:
:virtual_path => "spree/order_mailer/confirm_email",
:insert_bottom => '*',
:partial => "spree/shared/confirm_email",
:name => "confirm_email",
:original => '3a8c298b4d9884a4d9f842b23fcb4fabf92ef0f3'
Could you advice me any ways to solve this?