
I am trying to play h264 encoded live stream using html5 video tag. Live stream is broadcasted by wowza media server and when visiting src link I get a valid playlist file. When trying to play the stream on android chrome browser, player does nothing and shows black screen.

Is this html5 video tag related issue or maybe broadcaster?


2 Answers


Right now the current videojs only supports m3u8/HLS on safari and iOS. Android is supposed to support HLS, or cupertino streaming, but I have heard it is buggy. To make HLS and m3u8 work in videojs you need to provide an HLS capable flash fall back for videojs.

Check out this example http://flashls.org/videojs/flash_demo.html

To implement it yourself... follow this guide or download this swf then add this code to your videojs page.

  videojs.options.flash.swf = "[YourHosted]/video-js.swf"


<video id="example_video_1" class="video-js vjs-default-skin" controls preload="none" width="640" height="360" data-setup='{"techOrder": ["flash"]}'>
  <source src="http://[Wowza Ip]/live/mp4:mystream/playlist.m3u8" type='video/mp4'/>

Need add an additional library for support HLS (LiveStream).

VideoJS HLS Library. For live example Live Example.