I've got a function using the setInterval() to loop through several pictures. It works fine in Firefox and IE (if it is on my computer). If I upload it on the internet though IE doesn't ask if I would like to allow ActiveX controls (instead I get a "default browser" pop-up) and they remain disabled, leaving my setInterval not working. The function is executed correctly onClick, but not with setInterval
if (status == "on" ){
$('#NavigationSites li').removeClass('active');
$('#NavigationSites li:eq('+ x +')').addClass('active');
$('#TechnologiesWork').html('<img src = "img/'+x+'BackgroundTech.png"/> ');
$('#PicSiteArena').hide().html('<a href = "#"><img src = "img/'+x+'Arena.png"/></a> ').fadeIn('slow');
if ( x == "5"){
x = "0";
}//status on
}, 5000);