
I built a GUI using GUIDE, it is pretty simple, it has two axes an edit text and a push button

I want that, when clicking the mouse over axes_1, I get the position and update the edit text with the X position.

In the opening function I put the following

set(handles.axes_1, 'ButtonDownFcn', @axes_1_ButtonDownFcn);

and in axes_1_ButtonDownFcn i put

disp(['You clicked X:',num2str(pos(1)),', Y:',num2str(pos(2))])
handles.value= pos(1);

but is giving me the following error

Reference to non-existent field 'edit1'. Error in trytool>axes_1_ButtonDownFcn (line 198) set(handles.edit1,'String',handles.value);

Error while evaluating axes ButtonDownFcn

edit1 is the tag name of the edit text, is not a typo or anything like that, why is the function not recognizing the edit text?

Thank you so much!

Can you debug and display what is actually contained in the handles structure. That might give you a hint.Justin

1 Answers


I tried to build a GUI with your code, and it works well if you comment the code you added to the opening function:

%set(handles.axes_1, 'ButtonDownFcn', @axes_1_ButtonDownFcn);