
I already made test for my application module and other module. They are working fine but i want to run all the test (application module and other module) toguether to generate clover report for jenkins. What should i do?? create another config file to invoke other config files??


I have the same code for each module bootstrap.php and i want to use the same for each module to avoid code duplication. Rigth now i have two modules Application and Problem when i run phpunit it throws me this error:

**.PHP Fatal error:  Class 'ProblemTest\Bootstrap' not found ....**

The test for the Application module works fine but the test for Problem module doesn't work for the namespace declaration in the phpunit_bootstrap.php file.

My Application test uses this declaration:

   namespace ApplicationTest\Controller;
   use ApplicationTest\Bootstrap; ....

My Problem tes uses this declaration:

    namespace ProblemTest\Controller;
    use ProblemTest\Bootstrap;

This is my phpunit.xml

<phpunit bootstrap="phpunit_bootstrap.php">
    <testsuite name="ALL">

this is my phpunit_bootstrap.php

 namespace ApplicationTest;

The problem that i have rigth now to run all the test toguether is how to include the same bootstrap for every test to avoid that exception.


2 Answers


I can't comment yet so another solution to this issue can be found at zend framework 2 + phpunit + multiple modules + continuous integration If you don't want to go through naming each module independently.


You can make a testsuite to run a bunch of individual groups of tests all at once. In your phpunit.xml.dist file:

<phpunit bootstrap="phpunit_bootstrap.php">
        <testsuite name="all">
        <testsuite name="ALL">
        <testsuite name="module1only">

And then you can run it with: /path/to/phpunit --testsuite="ALL"