I've created a clean (non MFC) atl project, Added a dialog and some bitmaps, when compiling I get 3 MFC relate errors:
WINDOWS.H already included. MFC apps must not #include @ afxv_w32.h
Building MFC application with /MD[d] (CRT dll version) requires MFC shared dll version. Please #define _AFXDLL or do not use /MD[d] @ afx.h
Since this project has nothing to do with MFC - why do I get these errors ? (in project settings under: "Use of MFC" = Use Standart Windows Libraries.
I've checked the Preprocessor defines: WIN32 _WINDOWS _DEBUG _USRDLL
nothing here as well.
Any ideas ?
UPDATE: I've found what I've done wrong. Instead of adding the dialog from the Class Wizard, I've created it in the resource view and than added a class. This creates an MFC class and not an ATL class.
). This is not something taking place with non-MFC projects. – Roman R.<afxv_w32.h>
gets included and work your way from there. – IInspectable