I am trying to stream an audio file in mp3 format using the FFMPEG library to a remote computer, located on the same LAN as the sender. The command i used to stream at the sender is given below:
ffmpeg -re -f mp3 -i sender.mp3 -ar 8000 -f mulaw -f rtp rtp://
I got the below command on FFMPEG documentation page that generates audio and streams it to port number 1234 on remote computer
ffmpeg -re -f lavfi -i aevalsrc="sin(400*2*PI*t)" -ar 8000 -f mulaw -f rtp rtp://
I thought i had made relevant changes to this so that the mp3 streaming command will work, but only to know encounter the error which reads
"Error while opening encoder for output stream #0:0 - maybe incorrect parameters such as bit_rate, rate, width or height"
Can anyone tell me what is the wrong parameter here and how to rectify it?