
We have a Maven1 project that needs artifacts from a standard Maven2 (remote) repo and I would like to resolve this by using our central Artifactory.

Currently I'm running a local Artifactory 3.0.3 OSS, standalone, with default settings (only added my virtual repo).

I have created a virtual repository that only referes to a single maven2 remote repo (spring-release) and uses maven-1-default in Repository Layout (Advanced Settings tab).
I've added a dependency to my project.xml:


But Maven can not resolve this dependency when I run "maven build".

Is it possible to have a m2 -> m1 "bridge" in Artifactory 3.0.3 OSS or do I need the Pro add-on?



1 Answers


Of course you can. Define a new virtual repository, add the Maven2 repositories you want to convert, select maven-1-default in Repository Layout dropbox in Advanced tab. Done. Now resolve the artifacts from the new virtual repository and you're all set.