I have an xpage inside an indexed Lotus Notes database. There is a view control on the xpage (its data source being a Notes view), and since I plan to add a search text field to the xpage, I have been testing the view control "search" property (data\data\search). The documents on the database have text, date and numeric fields. When I look for something located on one of the text fields (e.g., koala), it works, but when I look for a date or a number no documents are found.
I wonder if this could be a localization problem, since in Spain we write the dates with format dd/mm/yyyy and the decimal character in numbers is the comma, but I also tried searching with format mm/dd/yyyy and using the point for decimals, and still no results are retrieved.
I also tried changing the searchFuzzy property on the view control, but nothing changed.
Thanks a lot,