
I'm thinking about to remap some key to behavior the Enter key for the left hand to easy access.

Then I find AutoHotkey and plan to map the Capslock key to Enter key. Also I need to resume to the Capslock key when I need it, so I also map the RAlt+Capslock to be the Capslock key.

However it doesn't work as expected. Anyone can give some advises?

Here's what I've tried:

RAlt & Capslock::SendInput !{Capslock}

For now the second line can work but the first line doesn't work. When press the Capslock it doesn't send Enter key.

$Capslock::Enter works for me. The $ makes sure the command only reacts to real capslock presses. RAlt & Capslock doesn't work for me and it gets quite complicated to toggle capslock this way. Better: Use the command SetCapsLockState and store the current value internally.576i

1 Answers


Try this

RAlt & Capslock::SetCapsLockState, % GetKeyState("CapsLock", "T") ? "Off" : "On"