I'm reading Pierce's Types and Programming Languages book and in the chapter about recursive types he mentions that they can be used to encode the dynamic lambda calculus in a typed language. As an exercise, I'm trying to write that encoding in Haskell but I can't get it to pass the typechecker:
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes, ScopedTypeVariables #-}
data D = D (forall x . x -> x )
lam :: (D -> D) -> D
--lam f = D f
lam = undefined
ap :: D -> D -> D
ap (D f) x = f x
--Some examples:
myConst :: D
myConst = lam (\x -> lam (\y -> x))
flippedAp :: D
flippedAp = lam (\x -> lam (\f -> ap f x))
Right now, this code gives me the following error message (that I don't really understand):
Couldn't match type `x' with `D'
`x' is a rigid type variable bound by
a type expected by the context: x -> x at dyn.hs:6:9
Expected type: x -> x
Actual type: D -> D
In the first argument of `D', namely `f'
In the expression: D f
In an equation for `lam': lam f = D f
Changing the definition of lam
to undefined (the commented-out line) gets the code to compile so I suspect that whatever I did wrong is either on lam's definition or in the original definition for the D datatype.