I'm converting a folder full of print-ready PDFs into 600 dpi TIFFs, using CCITT Group IV compression (bitonal) on the TIFFs (one TIFF per page). My problem is that the PDFs, which begin with a page dimension of 9x6 inches, are converted into 8.5x11 inch TIFFs (5100 x 6600 px at 600 dpi). Here is the command I'm using to convert PDFs to TIFF files (using bash in Mac OS X):
for folder in $(find * -maxdepth 0 -type d ); \
do gs -dBATCH -dNOPAUSE -q -sDEVICE=tiffg4 -r600 "-sOutputFile=$folder/tiff/%04d.tif" "$folder/pdf/$folder.pdf";
Is there a way to preserve the original page dimensions in my output files?
Thanks in advance!