
Building an iOS app using FB4.7 Premium, Air 3.4. At this point, just a very simple test framework. Suddenly, the builder is throwing PackageInspectionFailed errors, and won't complete the build. No explanation why. Simulator runs fine.

I should point out that I have been building and packaging this all day directly to my iPad with no problems. Suddenly, I'm getting this error and the app no longer builds. The last thing I did was add this line: text.autoSize = TextFieldAutoSize.LEFT;


After UNDOing those edits, I'm now getting a new error (is this progress?) ApplicationVerificationFailed. Again with no further info. I haven't changed certificates, build parameters or anything else.

Interestingly, manually dragging the generated .ipa to iTunes and then syncing with the iPad does actually install the app, without error. It just adds a bunch more steps to my testing / debugging process.

What is this error? What are some of the conditions I should be looking for that might cause the error?

Please vote on Adobe Bugbase

I have submitted a bug for 3.9 here: please vote: https://bugbase.adobe.com/index.cfm?event=newBug

Sarah Northway has another bug report for 3.8 here: please vote: https://bugbase.adobe.com/index.cfm?event=bug&id=3650414

Let's get some Adobe eyes on this - there needs to be more information provided about the causes of this error.

In some cases this seems to have occurred when the app was open and running on the test device. Not sure if that's the issue or not.Tom Auger

9 Answers


I've had this happen intermittently a few times today, seemingly triggered when I updated the AIR SDK to 4.0, and also when I updated some native app.xml configuation data.

After a brief period of swearing, googling and pulling faces at Flash Builder, I found that cleaning the project did the trick.

Project -> Clean... -> Clean All Projects

There seems to be a couple of problems which will result in that exact error, but two to check out for:

Including an extensions's package in the application's xml file under the node but forgetting to include it in your actual project. So for example an .ane/.swc combo.

Having a version of the same app already on the device, but built with different certificates. E.g. a client's distribution certificate vs your testing one.

And very occasionaly, mine fails to install if the app is still running in the foreground.


all of the sudden without moving the usb cable i would get this error when installing several times in a row on an ios device.

The fix for me was to press the home button on the device to close the application before the auto install again. If i relied on the compiler to auto close the application sometimes it would stop at this error.


I've found this error intermittently in AIR 3.8 on Windows 7. I have no idea what triggers it (not a code change), but rebooting your computer seems to fix it for awhile until it randomly starts happening again. I've opened a bug for it and Adobe has suggested we vote on fixing it:



Just in case...

In my project there was a conflict between the developer certificate NOT BEING ABLE to handle push notifications and an application.xml which was using it in the Entitlements tag


Comment this block or download a push-notificaton-enabled certificate.


For me this happened when I started testing with a device that was not yet registered in the provisioning profile.


I'm still not entirely sure what causes this, but it seems to occur most often when a packaged asset is updated, or replaced with another asset of the same name.

What's strange about the way FB handles packaged assets is that they are automatically copied (in the background) into the bin-debug folder. this copying happens (at the latest) when you build / debug, but can happy almost as soon as you drag an asset into a folder identified as an assets folder (ie: it already contains some packaged assets).

The solution for me has been to open up bin-debug, and completely empty it of all packaged assets. Then, open Properties on the project, and go to your Packaging settings, Reset to Default, and then go in and check / uncheck the assets that you want to be packaged. Apply changes, and wait a moment for the files to be copied over. Then try build/debug again and things generally work.

A bonus aspect of this is that your bin-debug folder is cleared out of any cruft that may have accumulated from older, now no longer used, assets. they just clutter up your Package settings, and in worst-case scenario, might make their way into the final packaged product, unnecessarily bloating it.


I'm just going to keep documenting causes for this error until Adobe releases some kind of official info about it (or they make their error messages more specific / descriptive).

Potential Cause: compressing SWF with LZMA compression

Solution: switch compression settings in Flash Publish Settings dialog to "deflate". File size will increase significantly, but it will pass Package Inspection.


I've had similar experiences. A new Actionscript mobile project'. In the main class drawing a square to have a visible indication of funtioning code and a trace action also in the main class constructor to test whether the debugging is alive.

I couldn't transfer the app to the device via USB until i removed the current installation of iTunes and installed a version of itunes 'for older video cards' http://support.apple.com/kb/DL1784 (I'm running windows 7 on a fairly new macbook pro but what the heck).

Now the application could be tested using 'run' on the device but debugging would still fail (with ).

The strange thing ... I then added a some icons-references in the app descriptor xml-file (these are by default commented out).

For reasons unknown adding these icons made packaging, transfering to device via USB and debugging work.