DirectX 'returns' multiple 'matching' display modes from this call:
dxgiAdapterOutput->GetDisplayModeList(DXGI_FORMAT_B8G8R8A8_UNORM, DXGI_ENUM_MODES_INTERLACED, &numDisplayModes, displayModeList);
I printed out all the matching modes that also match my resolution:
17.20:34+443 Mode 51: Size => 1920x1080, Refresh Rate => 50000/1000
17.20:34+443 Mode 52: Size => 1920x1080, Refresh Rate => 50000/1000
17.20:34+443 Mode 53: Size => 1920x1080, Refresh Rate => 59940/1000
17.20:34+443 Mode 54: Size => 1920x1080, Refresh Rate => 59940/1000
17.20:34+443 Mode 55: Size => 1920x1080, Refresh Rate => 60000/1001
17.20:34+443 Mode 56: Size => 1920x1080, Refresh Rate => 60000/1001
So which numerator / denominator pair is the 'right' one to pass to the swap chain?