I was building an app in xcode 4.6 (ios6.1) and everything was fine.
I ran the same code through xcode 5 (ios 7) on an ios7 device and simulator, and I ran into the full screen (status bar included) issue, horizontal scrollview issues, modal viewcontroller issues, et al.
I’m using a navigation controller with the bar turned off. Instead I’m using a custom view to pass for a bar. So the extendedEdge thing isn’t working as well.
I understand that eventually, I’ll have to update my design and implementation accordingly.
Now here’s the dilemma – I ran the app (backed up original code) from xcode 4.6 (ios6) on an ios 7 device, and it’s working absolutely fine. It’s leaving it’s gap for the status bar, and there are no issues at all.
What I can’t understand now is how to proceed?
Will the app be accepted if I continue working on xcode 4.6 with ios6 (since it’s almost finished)?
I’m not able to move to xcode 5, since it has only the latest ios7 as the Base SDK. I can’t find a legitimate way to add ios 6 sdk to xcode 5 (except copying the 6.1 SDK to the xcode5 package).
And, if I hadn’t downloaded xcode 5 DP (which installs it separately), the mac app store would have updated my xcode 4.6 to xcode 5