
We are thinking about moving a site from WordPress to DNN. The WP site has 81 users and I'm wondering if I can avoid having them create new passwords when the DNN site goes live. I don't know what plug-in (or if I need one) I'll be using for DNN user management yet (I'm new to DNN). I know the WP site is just using the built-in user list, with the "Members Only" plugin to require log-in.

I imagine I can get access to whatever format WP saves the passwords as... but is this likely to be the same hash algorithm that DNN (or a popular plugin) would use, and do I have easy access to any salt used?

It isn't too hard for users to reset their passwords, and is good practice for them to change them from time to time anyway... Mostly, if it is easy for me to avoid it, then I would like to try. If not a simple process, not going to bother.


1 Answers


unless you the details on how wp hashes the password...you will probably need to know the encryption method (md5,sha etc) and the salt. it shouldn't be difficult once you know those 2 variables, i think.