I have the following model defined:
App.Post = DS.Model.extend({
title: DS.attr('string'),
comments: DS.hasMany('comment')
App.Comment = DS.Model.extend({
message: DS.attr('string')
If I create a Post entry with a Comment, the JSON stored in my browsers local storage references the Comments as an array of IDs which works great:
"title":"How to write Ember",
However, the moment I add another Post, the JSON suddenly changes such that Comments are embedded:
"title":"How to write Ember",
"title":"Learning Ember is painful",
Why is this happening? Can I prevent it? This is causing me problems because once it changes into this embedded format, the data cannot be read by the LSAdapter when reloading the page.
Here is a JSBin so you can see it happen for yourself and see the full JSON etc. To reproduce the problem, just create a post and add a comment then you can refresh the page without problem. Then add another post and try to refresh the page.
I'm not sure if the problem is with ember-data or the localstorage adapter.