I have created a application using Phonegap 2.9.0 .The Build which is running all the android phone version less than 4.0. When i instal in Android 4+ devices it shows blank screen.The same build works fine with ios all versions.Here the index.html
<!DOCTYPE HTML><html lang=en-US>
<meta http-equiv=Cache-control content=no-cache />
<meta name=format-detection content="telephone=no"/>
<meta name=apple-mobile-web-app-capable content=yes />
<link rel="stylesheet" href="resources/css/sencha-touch.css" />
<link rel="stylesheet" href="resources/css/app.css" />
<link href="resources/css/mobiscroll.min.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
<script src="libraries/sencha/sencha-touch-all.js" defer></script>
<script src="libraries/jquery/jquery.1.10.1.js" defer></script>
<script src="libraries/mobiscroll/mobiscroll.min.js" type="text/javascript" defer></script>
<script src="app/views/app.js" defer></script>
<script src="app/views/JSfunctions.js" defer></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="app/views/cordova.js"></script>
Here the explore snap
What change requires to run in android 4.0+ devices.Pelase help me to solve this issue