In the Android environment of my Worklight app I'm trying to hide the splash image manually. My use case is that I want to do some user validation actions in the background while the splash image is there. Once the user is validated then show a Dashboard screen, else show a Login screen.
I know that in Java for splash image usage in Android is:
super.setIntegerProperty("splashscreen", R.drawable.splash);
This loads the splash image and hides it after 2 secs automatically. How can I do the same using JavaScript in Worklight?
First time Login: SplashScreen--> LoginPage-->dashBoard
If user Authenticated: On Re-launch the app:
SplashScreen --> LoginPage(Check for Authenticated or not)--> Automatically Navigate to DashBoard.
Desired Task:
SplashScreen(Do Authentication here true/False)--->(if True)---> DashBoard
I dont want to show Login page if user is authenticated, however it automatically navigate to DashBoard.