
In the Android environment of my Worklight app I'm trying to hide the splash image manually. My use case is that I want to do some user validation actions in the background while the splash image is there. Once the user is validated then show a Dashboard screen, else show a Login screen.

I know that in Java for splash image usage in Android is:

  super.setIntegerProperty("splashscreen", R.drawable.splash);

This loads the splash image and hides it after 2 secs automatically. How can I do the same using JavaScript in Worklight?

First time Login: SplashScreen--> LoginPage-->dashBoard

If user Authenticated: On Re-launch the app:

SplashScreen --> LoginPage(Check for Authenticated or not)--> Automatically Navigate to DashBoard.

Desired Task:

SplashScreen(Do Authentication here true/False)--->(if True)---> DashBoard

I dont want to show Login page if user is authenticated, however it automatically navigate to DashBoard.


2 Answers


AFAIK with the current implementation of the splash image in Worklight 6.0, it is not possible to change the duration the splash image is displayed upon application launch.

This is something we would like to tackle in the future.