
So, here's the problem:

A product costs $10. You then have the option to customize it (with a photo upload to be printed on it) for an additional one-off price of $5, no matter how many products are ordered (e.g. you can order 1 or 5 or 10000 items and the customization price will always be a flat $5).

Currently, when you buy, for example, twenty items and choose the customization option, OpenCart will calculate it: (Product Price + Option Price)*Quantity = (10+5)*20 = $300 . Instead, what I aim to achieve is something like (Product Price*Quantity) + Option Price = 10*20 + 5 = $205

Ideally, I would like certain options to ignore the quantity (so that it will be an additional $5 no matter how many products are ordered), while other option prices should go up with quantity (so that one product customization costs $5, two product customizations cost $10, etc.).

Surely, OpenCart must offer some way to deliver such a fundamental customer experience?


4 Answers


This isn't a standard feature that you will be able to do out of the box. The way I would solve this would be to create a custom Order Total extension and add $5 to the subtotal/total at checkout if any product has that particular option set. This does require some PHP knowledge to do


Instead of rolling your own, you could probably use the Handling Fee extension. You may need to create a new Tax Class for that. But as Jay said, creating your own would be ideal, and yu could certainly use the Handling Fee as a starting point.


My commercial OpenCart extension Setup Fees for Product Options should do what you need. You can see an example here by selecting the rush production option.