So, here's the problem:
A product costs $10. You then have the option to customize it (with a photo upload to be printed on it) for an additional one-off price of $5, no matter how many products are ordered (e.g. you can order 1 or 5 or 10000 items and the customization price will always be a flat $5).
Currently, when you buy, for example, twenty items and choose the customization option, OpenCart will calculate it: (Product Price + Option Price)*Quantity = (10+5)*20 = $300 . Instead, what I aim to achieve is something like (Product Price*Quantity) + Option Price = 10*20 + 5 = $205
Ideally, I would like certain options to ignore the quantity (so that it will be an additional $5 no matter how many products are ordered), while other option prices should go up with quantity (so that one product customization costs $5, two product customizations cost $10, etc.).
Surely, OpenCart must offer some way to deliver such a fundamental customer experience?