The Background
This is closely related to the question ms word 2010 macro How to select all shapes on a specific page. But this concerns an unexpected result I'm getting from ShapeRange.Delete
, when trying to code an answer for that question.
The Question
So, to set up the question. I'm able to change properties of the first and last shape on each page. However, when I replace the statement that changes the shape property (shp.Range.ShapeRange.Line.Weight = 10
) with a statement that deletes the shape (shp.Range.ShapeRange.Delete
), shapes are deleted that do not correspond to the shapes that had the property changed. Why does .Delete
not act on the same shapes as .Line.Weight
Maybe I'm looking in the wrong place?
There are a few strange things happening here. I'm working on a 2007 Word .docm document with macros enabled. The document is 9 pages of text created by copying a SO page and pasting into the new fresh document with Paste Special...Unformatted Text. I then draw some shapes - I've gotten similar results with rectangles, triangles, and ovals. No shapes are inline. I may ctrl-click some shapes to duplicate them. But every time, the first code block works perfectly: the top and bottom shapes on each page have a bold outline. Even if I move shapes around, when I run the code again only the top and bottom shapes on each page have a bold outline.
However, when I run the second code block I get erratic behavior. Sometimes the correct shapes are deleted. Sometimes they're not. I may draw or ctrl-click-copy shapes after running code, then run again, but I can't find a pattern to what makes the code stop working as expected. This occurs even when the shapes are not moved. In short, nothing but the code changes, yet it seems the ShapeRange.Delete
method is acting in an unexpected way.
The two sets of code
Here's the code that changes the shape properties:
'---------find the first and last shape on each page, make bold-----------
Dim pg As Page
Dim shp As Variant
Dim shp_count As Long, maxt As Long, maxb As Long
'for each page
For Each pg In ActiveDocument.Windows(1).Panes(1).Pages
'find the number of shapes
shp_count = 0
For Each shp In pg.Rectangles
If shp.RectangleType = wdShapeRectangle Then shp_count = shp_count + 1
'if there are more than 2 shapes on a page, there
'are shapes to be made bold
If shp_count > 2 Then
'prime the maxt and maxb for comparison
'by setting to the first shape
For Each shp In pg.Rectangles
If shp.RectangleType = wdShapeRectangle Then
maxt = shp.Top
maxb = maxt
Exit For
End If
'set maxt and maxb
For Each shp In pg.Rectangles
If shp.RectangleType = wdShapeRectangle Then
If shp.Top < maxt Then maxt = shp.Top
If shp.Top > maxb Then maxb = shp.Top
End If
'Make top and bottom shapes bold outline
For Each shp In pg.Rectangles
If shp.RectangleType = wdShapeRectangle Then
If shp.Top = maxt Or shp.Top = maxb Then
shp.Range.ShapeRange.Line.Weight = 10
shp.Range.ShapeRange.Line.Weight = 2
End If
End If
End If
'go to next page
And, if I modify the code such (only in the last For...Next loop, see the comment), different shapes are deleted, even leaving some shapes that have a line.weight = 10!
'---------find the first and last shape on each page, make bold-----------
Dim pg As Page
Dim shp As Variant
Dim shp_count As Long, maxt As Long, maxb As Long
'for each page
For Each pg In ActiveDocument.Windows(1).Panes(1).Pages
'find the number of shapes
shp_count = 0
For Each shp In pg.Rectangles
If shp.RectangleType = wdShapeRectangle Then shp_count = shp_count + 1
'if there are more than 2 shapes on a page, there
'are shapes to be made bold
If shp_count > 2 Then
'prime the maxt and maxb for comparison
'by setting to the first shape
For Each shp In pg.Rectangles
If shp.RectangleType = wdShapeRectangle Then
maxt = shp.Top
maxb = maxt
Exit For
End If
'set maxt and maxb
For Each shp In pg.Rectangles
If shp.RectangleType = wdShapeRectangle Then
If shp.Top < maxt Then maxt = shp.Top
If shp.Top > maxb Then maxb = shp.Top
End If
'Make top and bottom shapes bold outline
For Each shp In pg.Rectangles
If shp.RectangleType = wdShapeRectangle Then
If shp.Top = maxt Or shp.Top = maxb Then
'here's the modification, nothing else changed
'shp.Range.ShapeRange.Line.Weight = 10
shp.Range.ShapeRange.Line.Weight = 2
End If
End If
End If
'go to next page