I created a function in matlab that returns a vector like
function w = W_1D(x,pos,h)
if (h~=0)
xmpos = x-pos;
inds1 = (-h <= xmpos) & (xmpos < 0);
w(inds1) = xmpos(inds1)./h + 1;
inds2 = (0 <= xmpos) & (xmpos <= h);
w(inds2) = -xmpos(inds2)./h + 1;
error('h shouldn't be 0')
Thus, in the end, there is a vector w
of size length(x)
Now i created a second function like
function f = W_2D(x,y,pos_1,pos_2,h)
w_x = W_1D(x,pos_1,h);
w_y = W_1D(y,pos_2,h);
f = w_x'*w_y;
where length(x)=length(y)
. Thus, the function W_2D
obviously returns a matrix.
But when I now try to evaluate the integral over a rectangular domain like e.g.
V = integral2(@(x,y) W_2D(x,y,2,3,h),0,10,0,10);
matlab returns some errors:
Error using integral2Calc>integral2t/tensor (line 242)
Integrand output size does not match the input size.
Error in integral2Calc>integral2t (line 56)
[Qsub,esub] = tensor(thetaL,thetaR,phiB,phiT);
Error in integral2Calc (line 10)
[q,errbnd] = integral2t(fun,xmin,xmax,ymin,ymax,optionstruct);
Error in integral2 (line 107)
Q = integral2Calc(fun,xmin,xmax,yminfun,ymaxfun,opstruct);
I also tried to vary something in the W_2D
-function: instead of f = w_x'*w_y;
I tried f = w_x.'*w_y;
or w_y = transpose(w_y); f = kron(w_x,w_y);
, but there is always this error with the Integrand output size-stuff.
Can anyone explain, where my fault is?
EDIT: After Werner's hint with the keyboard debugging method, I can tell you the following.
The first step returns w_x
of type <1x154 double>
, w_y
is <1x192 double>
, x
and y
are both <14x14 double>
. In the next step, f
appears with a value of <154x192 double>
. Then everything disappears, except x
and y
and the matlab-function integral2Calc.m appears in the editor and it jumps to the Function Call Stack integral2t/tensor
and after some more steps, the error occurs here
Z = FUN(X,Y); NFE = NFE + 1;
if ~isfloat(Z)
% Check that FUN is properly vectorized. This is important here
% because we (otherwise) always pass in square matrices, which
% reduces the probability of the user generating an error by
% using matrix functions instead of elementwise functions.
if ~isequal(size(Z),size(X)) || ~isequal(size(Z1),size(VTSTIDX))
% Example:
% integral2(@(x,y)1,0,1,0,1)
Hope that information is detailed enough...I have no idea what happenes, because my example is exact as it is given on the mathworks site about integral2
, isn't it?
Maybe I should precise a bit more, what I wanna do: since W_2D gives me a surface w(x,y) of a compactly supported 2-dimensional hat-function, stored in a matrix w
, I want to calculate the volume between the (x,y)-plane and the surface z=w(x,y)...
EDIT2: I still do not understand how to handle the problem, that integral2
creates matrices as inputs for my W_1D
-functions, which are called in W_2D
and intended to have a <1xn double>
-valued input and return a <1xn double>
output, but at least I can simply use the following to solve the integration over the tensor product by using two one-dimensional integral
-calls, that is
V = integral(@(x)integral(@(y)W_1D(y,3,h),0,10).*W_1D(x,2,h),0,10);