i can't understand how create the same black status bar of iOS 6 to iOS 7, i have found this question on SO: iOS 7 status bar back to iOS 6 default style in iPhone app?
in my app i have only landscape mode, so i use this:
Set UIViewControllerBasedStatusBarAppearance
to NO
in info.plist
(To opt out of having view controllers adjust the status bar style so that we can set the status bar style by using the UIApplicationstatusBarStyle method.)
In AppDelegate's application:didFinishLaunchingWithOptions, call
if ([[[UIDevice currentDevice] systemVersion] floatValue] >= 7) {
[application setStatusBarStyle:UIStatusBarStyleLightContent];
self.window.clipsToBounds =YES;
self.window.frame = CGRectMake(0,20,self.window.frame.size.width,self.window.frame.size.height-20);
return YES;
but this is the result:
anyone can help? or suggest me another solution?