
I have a remote shell (using PowerShell) running a solution deployment on SharePoint 2010. It hangs on the deployment and never finishes deploying. When I do this locally from the box, there are no issues deploying.

I thought originally that this could have to do with paging due to the remote shell memory limit (which is, by default, 512MB). I increased that to 2 GB:

Set-Item WSMan:\localhost\Shell\MaxMemoryPerShellMB 2048

This hasn't made any difference. I also ensure that the SharePoint Administration and Timer Service are started before attempting to deploy. Also, the credentials I have used to open the remote shell are for the farm account.

What would cause a solution deployment to hang only when run through a remote shell?


1 Answers


I attempted the same thing recently and found that remote shells have a limited amount of access to the remote environment depending on the credential provider used. Security policies inhibit some IO operations with the file system, etc. I was able to work around this leveraging a package management solution such as Chocolatey.org, which can kick off powershell commands in another process on the remote box, but from what I understand of the issue, it's a Double Hop credential problem that can be solved using CredSSP when establishing the remote connection.