I'm new in GWT, and have problem with view implementation... I use MVP, and SmartGWT. I'll expose this by defining how I settle my MVP and what its weird.
In my onModule, I define class builded with UIbinder. I've declared a LayoutPanel and set it like this in the constructor of the class.
layoutPanel = binder.createAndBindUi(this);
I have container in this class:
public void setBodyLayout() {
panel.setWidgetLeftWidth(menuPanel, xx, PCT, xxx, PCT);
panel.setWidgetRightWidth(bodyPanel, xx, PCT, xx, PCT);
menuPanel and bodyPanel are both simplePanel declared in the class above(UIfield use with UIbinder). There are in LayoutPanel. For the method display of my ActivityMapper I've got this method (In reality I have two ActivityMappers, two method that like below and two containers, for menu and body)
public AcceptsOneWidget getBodyContainer() {
return new AcceptsOneWidget() {
public void setWidget(IsWidget w) {
Widget widget = Widget.asWidgetOrNull(w);
return in my onModule, I declared my ActivityMapper like this
BodyActivityMapper bodyContainerActivityMapper = new BodyActivityMapper(clientFactory);
ActivityManager bodyContainerActivityManager = new ActivityManager(bodyContainerActivityMapper, eventBus);
the same work was done with MenuActivityMapper...
when getLayoutPanel() return my layoutPanel declared in the class that I have declared above.
So, each region have its own ActivityMapper.ActivityMapper for the menu have only one activity, and "ActivityMapperBody" have sevral activities triggered by menu.
Utility of container are to settle my layout for different "action". I defined zone with it, in order to receive view started with activity.
But this configuration work only with view builded with UIbinder... In each view, I declare a Layout and return it like this
public Widget asWidget() {
return my_layout_declared;
When I return my layout, nothing works. I really don't understand why, and I figure that its worse with smartgwt. All I want its just retrieve my layout and put it in my container... Work with smartgwt can save a lot of time...
I've more detailed my issue to make sure that anyone understand. And ask to you Chris Lercher if your post can help me.
Thank for reading