I have an existing Sencha touch project which I would like to deploy on a Windows Phone device. So far I have tried to combine Sencha touch with Phonegap to deploy it via Phonegap, but I did not succeed in doing so.
Since Sencha touch 2.2 Windows Phone support is builtin, according to this post.
Can someone point me on howto deploy an existing Sencha touch project to Windows Phone using Sencha touch 2.2 with Sencha CMD. Any help would be appreciated.
EDIT: For further clarification: By deploying I mean packaging as it is described in the official documentation (there it says that only Android and iOS are currently supported): http://docs-origin.sencha.com/touch/2.2.1/#!/guide/native_packaging
EDIT2: If packaging with Sencha touch is simply not possible as of now, I will be glad to hear about a solution using Phonegap (or something else) to package/deploy an existing Sencha touch app.