
I have made a qml file named fileDialog.qml and which use element FileDialog{} available from qt5


Whenever i need the location of resource i want to use fileDialog.qml as component and set all the properties like title, filter etc. These are working fine but when i tried to use id.fileUrl then no response. details are given below.

The file fileDialog.qml is

import QtQuick 2.1
import QtQuick.Dialogs 1.0

FileDialog {
    id: fileDialog
    objectName: "fileBrowser"
    title: "Add New Layer"
    visible: false
    property alias selectedFilename: fileDialog.fileUrls

    onAccepted: {
        console.log("You chose: " + fileDialog.fileUrls)//--------         (1)
    onRejected: {
    //Component.onCompleted: visible = true

Now using this as component when Browse(an item in QML to be used like button) button is clicked then i am performing following steps.

onClicked: {

 //Default Values fileDialog.{selectExisting = true, selectFolder = false}
 fileDialog.title = "Add New Image"
 //fileDialog1.selectMultiple = true
 fileDialog.nameFilters = ["Image File (*.png *.jpg *.bmp)"]

 //string path

 fileDialog.visible = true
 console.log(" Image chosen: " + fileDialog.fileUrl + " in image")//---  (2)


The line (1) is working fine but but (2) is not working. The output of (2) line in console is just Image chosen: in image.

I don't understand what am I doing wrong here, because when I am setting other(like title, filer) property of component fileDialog its working but not for the fileUrl or fileUrls.

Please somebody suggest how to get the fileUrl when using it as component.



3 Answers


Just a try. From documentation, you can see that fileUrl property is only set if you make a single file selection. So you are right to expect it to be setted by your FileDialog

The problem is that you try to display fileUrl before the FileDialog is closed I think. Showing a modal dialog probably don't block your function execution.

As you do in your base component fileDialog.qml, you can put a handler on onAccepted. When your handler will be called, fileUrl property will be available.


Browse {
    id: browser

    signal fileChosen

    FileDialog {
        id: fileDialog

        //configure your fileDialog here

        //emit parent signal when done
        onAccepted: browser.fileChosen();

    onClicked: {

    onFileChosen: {
        //fileUrl should be available here

I think what you're trying to do is creating a special FileDialog component that fits your needs.

First, let's call this component "MyFileFialog" saved in MyFileDialog.qml.

// MyFileDialog.qml
import QtQuick 2.0
import QtQuick.Dialogs 1.0

Item {
    id: root
    property alias title: qmlFileDialog.title
    property alias fileUrl: qmlFileDialog.fileUrl
    property alias fileUrls: qmlFileDialog.fileUrls

    signal accepted()
    signal rejected()

    function open() { qmlFileDialog.open() }
    function close() { qmlFileDialog.close() }

    FileDialog {
        id: qmlFileDialog
        modality: Qt.WindowModal
        nameFilters: ["Image File (*.png *.jpg *.bmp)"]

        onAccepted: root.accepted()
        onRejected: root.rejected()

There are now a bunch of connections between MyFileDialog and FileFialog:

  • modality and nameFilters are fixed
  • title, fileUrl, fileUrls are passed between both components
  • when the FileDialog is accepted or rejected, the MyFileDialog will be as well
  • when you open() or close() your MyFileDialog, the inner FleDialog will open or close

Now that you have your very own MyFileDialog, you can use it:

Button {
    text: "open"

    MyFileDialog {
        id: saveFileDialog
        title: qsTr("Save to ...")
        onRejected: {
        onAccepted: {
            console.log("File selected: " + fileUrl)

    onClicked: {

I got a solution after reading the answer of @jbh whose answer helps in accessing fileUrl outside FileDialog{} element in same qml file but that's not an answer to my question.

Element FileDialog{} have an signal accepted so we use this signal to connect to a method and then access the fileUrl or Urls. This how fileBrowser.qml look like.

import QtQuick 2.1
import QtQuick.Dialogs 1.0

FileDialog {
    id: fileDialog
    objectName: "fileBrowser"
    title: "Add New Layer"
    visible: false
    //property alias selectedFilename: fileDialog.fileUrls
//    signal fileChosen
//    onAccepted: {
//        console.log("You chose: " + fileDialog.fileUrls)
//        fileChosen();
//    }
    onRejected: {
    //Component.onCompleted: visible = true

onAccepted slot above is commented and we use accepted signal to access fileUrl.

This is how a qml file will look when using fileBrowser.qml as component whenever file dialog is required.

id: popup

    id: browse button

    // properties setting for construction a button such as width, color, mouse area, states, etc.. 
    // the method where we can use the URLS

    function dialogAccepted(){

      filePath.text = Qt.resolvedUrl( fileDialog.fileUrl ).toString()// to set the text in text field
      console.log("You Chose in elev: " + fileDialog.fileUrl)


     onClicked: {
          //Default Values fileDialog.{selectExisting = true, selectFolder = false}

          fileDialog.title = "Add New Image"
          //fileDialog1.selectMultiple = true
          fileDialog.nameFilters = ["Image File (*.png *.jpg *.bmp)"]

          fileDialog.visible = true



well, this worked for me but i am still facing problem with how to resolve Url when multiple file is selected and how to send it to c++ file so that it is accepted.