
I have 2 measures:

  1. Sales Value
  2. Sales Value LY (calculated measure)

and a time filter with single month member and YTD formula.

If i make simple PerformancePoint report like so:

Report definitions

It shows up correctly like this when single month is selected from the time filter:

Report with single month selected

But when i try the YTD formula from the time filter:

Sales LY lost

the calculated measure is lost from the report.

Any ideas?

Could you show the definition of your YTD calculation?FrankPl
Using the simple YTD, from the code samples here: technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ff701696.aspxuser1800552
How is the Sales Value LY defined?FrankPl
Theres calculated NULL column in the datasource named Sales Amount LY, which is then scoped: scope ({Measures.[Sales Value LY]}); this = (PARALLELPERIOD([Time].[Year - Month - Date].[Month], 12,[Time].[Year - Month - Date].CURRENTMEMBER),[Measures].[SALES AMOUNT]); end scope; user1800552

2 Answers


I would try to change the ParallelPeriod(Month, 12) to ParallelPeriod(Year, 1) in your measure definition:

scope ({Measures.[Sales Value LY]});
            [Time].[Year - Month - Date].[Year],
            [Time].[Year - Month - Date].CURRENTMEMBER
          [Measures].[SALES AMOUNT]);
end scope;

ParallelPeriod only works properly if the current period is below or at the level stated as the first argument.


Maybe changing the expression like proposed at http://sqlblog.com/blogs/mosha/archive/2007/01/13/multiselect-friendly-mdx-for-calculations-looking-at-current-coordinate.aspx would help:

scope ({Measures.[Sales Value LY]});
   this = Sum(EXISTING [Time].[Year - Month - Date].[Day].Members,
              [Time].[Year - Month - Date].[Year],
              [Time].[Year - Month - Date].CURRENTMEMBER
            [Measures].[SALES AMOUNT]
end scope;

I was guessing the name of your day level, maybe you have to adapt that.


Have a workaround thus:

built-in YTD semiadditive function in PPS time intelligence can be written also like this:


Dunno if the YTD function is buggy or whatnot, but this was the quick way to get the parallel YTD values..